The graph shows data about the annual earnings of three bakeries in Calgary 2000 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The line graph illustrates the annual changes in the income of certain bakeries in Calgary from 2000 to 2010.
Generally, the earnings for Mari Bakeshop, Amandine Bakery and Bolo Cakery experienced a downward and an upward trend. Regarding the first, Mari bakeshop’s sales were down over the decade. It had significant fluctuations over the first half of the period, followed by an extreme fall and levelled out at a precise 40.000.
By contrast, the sales for the other bakeshops grew significantly over the decade. Although the earnings for Amandine Bakery remained unchanged until 2005, it increased gradually from under 60.000 to about 70.000 by 2007. After that, it rocketed to 99.000 ending the period up with over 100.000. Furthermore, Bolo Cakery’s income fluctuated insignificantly and then doubled by 2003. Afterwards,
Overall, the sales for Amandine Bakery and Bolo Cakey reached a higher volume of income than Mari Bakeshop which was the most profitable in the beginning.

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