The pictures below show the recycling process of wasted glass bottles Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given charts illustrate how to recycle glass waste.
As can be seen from the charts, there are three main stages in the procedure of remaking glass bottles. The process begins at the collecting stage and ends at the selling stage.
Looking at the procedure in detail, used glass bottles must first be collected into one point before being delivered to be handled in factories. Wasted glass bottles are then washed under high-pressure water. After being distributed by colour into different fractions in the glass factory, bottles are broken up into pieces.
At the middle of the second stage, recycled liquid glass is manufactured by putting glass pieces into the heating machine. After that, recycle liquid glass is combined with new glass liquid before being shaped into the glass mould. At the last stage, remade glass bottles are finished and transported to shops for sale.

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