The table below shows information and predictions regarding the change in percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries

The table display stadistic and proyections with respect to the variations in population proportions (65 years or older) in three countries.

Overall, Canada the data show a increase of almost a five percent this rise correspond with the prediction in the table, on the other hand in the U.K. the older people keep a steady population but in the proyection this number have a explosive growth.

In the time lapse from 1988 to 2000 Canada (16,32%) and Germany (20,45%) have a similar growth, in the proven data (4,35% the former and a 4,87% the last) the projection predicts a increase of 5,68% from 20,67% to 26,35% of Canada, meanwhile, Germany will have a increase of 5,1% (from 25,32% to 30,42% in 2030).

Instead U.K. had a smalln increase from 14,23% to 14,89% (from 1988 to 2000) in constrast with the enormous jump in the proyection to the year 2030 of 5,46%

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