Task 1 The bar chart shows the percentage of small medium large companies which used social media for business purposes between 2012 to 2016

The bar chart illustrates the data of those companies that expand their businesses by using the social media from 2012 to 2016. These business runnings can be divided into small , medium and large.
In the first three years, the small business maintained a stable increase from over 25%, 30% to about 35%. The large business on the other hand progressed with little variation. The percentages nearly reached 80%.
For the medium one, it started out with over 30% and stayed at almost 50% in the next two years.
The small and medium companies had the same percentages (30%) in 2015. Whereas it was 52% for the large one.
In the last year, the small company increasee about 20% while the medium business grew over that percentages.The large company returned back to nearly the same growth as the first three years.
In overall, both three business runnings grew in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The they dropped in 2015 and returned to grow in 2016

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