Some people like doing work by hand Others prefer using machines Which do you prefer Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

There are two ways of making products in general. One is by hand and the other is with machines. Due to the rising requirements of products, most manufacturers have imported machines for more efficiency. Yet there remains people that make things in traditional ways, which is by hand.
Using machines provides a lot more efficiency. It cuts payrolls immensely, since it could reduce the number of workers required, leaving only few for management and evaluations. In addition, items could be formatted so that the manufacturer could have a fixed model and could produce at a high efficiency. Since companies always give detailed descriptions of their products, customers can freely choose
Handmade things, though, have their own advantages. First, customizing your products is possible. People buy custom suits because stores could measure you precisely, in order to make a perfect suit catering to the customer. In addition, with handmade work, less chemicals are added. People could have a more healthy experience and it would cause a lot less pollution. Last but not least, some handmade techniques are a national treasure, exclusive to a certain group of people. We ought to preserve it for fear that it may be lost.
In conclusion, with the world moving at a fast pace, efficiency is highly emphasized. However, we can’t overlook the necessity of handmade work, it’s a method that has lasted long, making it an essential part of the history of mankind.

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