Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state even if these areas could be developed for economic gain Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position

As per recent studies, today only 35% of the earth is covered by forests and other wilderness areas, which was almost near 50% a couple of centuries ago. Some argue that we should pass laws to preserve the wild, while other believe that we can further exploit the wilderness areas. After weighing the evidence, I am of the opinion that we should have governments involved in procting our wild.

Those that would argue that we do not need to protect the current natural state of wilderness areas might say that prioritizing preservation of natural resources over the development of humans will impede the growth of society. But in reality, we have already learnt a lesson from our past that the over exhaustion of natural resources like trees result in increase of CO2 levels which in turn proved to be detrimental to the planet and thus humans. We have seen that, with excess deforestration humans can wipe out an entire population of an animal species. So, development of our society at the cost of our natural resources will have a detrimental effect on ourselves and thus we must protect the state of our natural world.

Furthermore, our current wilderness areas are home for lot of endangered flora and fauna and are also containers of natural resources like fresh water bodies and thus it is our duty and responsibility to preserve them. For example, the bees which are the natural pollinators of our crops, are essential for the survival of humans and thus we should protect them at any costs. Because of the interconnectedness of many species of plants, insects, reptiles, birds and mammals via the food chain, any harm that we pose to any particularly sensitive species in the wilderness can turn out to be pernicious to the entire eco-system. So, we must keep the state of our natural resources well preserved.

Moreover, we cannot preserve the wild without the government imposing the laws. Without strict regulations the hunters will cull a large proportion of animal population for meat and other animal resources. Also without stringent laws, smugglers can pose threat to endangered species.

In conclusion, for the above reasons we must have the governemnt impose laws to protect the wild in its natural state.

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