Scientists and other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of people

With the continuing development of modern society, knowledge and science become increasingly complex, which cause some discoveries to be hard to be applied to practical fields. But, is this the reason for researchers and professors to scotch their researches which in a short time span may not have directly beneficial effects on the progress of the whole society? I beg to differ because of their forseeable benefits.
To begin with, when people try to get the bottom of the principles of the world, it is universally acknowledged that the theoretical hypothesis become proliferating complex. Namely, different from formal knowledge which could be discovered in the process of two industrial revolutions, new findings are hard to be put in productions. For example, inter combustion engines could be easily invented by the classical Newton principles. However, when you talking about the relativity, how could people to create such good conditions to realize this theory? The final outcome was that in World War 2, numerous scientists invented great efforts to product atomic bombs. But nowadays, situations deteriorate for some uncharted territories, such as machine learning or artificial intelligence. To put it in another way, it is hard to judge whether new theories are worthwhile, let alone limiting professor’s researches.
Secondly, It is actually very difficult for scientists to judge whether their new findings would benefit the largest number of people. The reason could be that many discoveries are just the outcomes of science and some notorious people take the advantages of these new findings to satisfy their own mercenary desires. For example, some researches could be used to make military weapons while they can also be used to save the environment and the earth mother. The science itself are innocent. Hence, it is unreasonable to limit the developments of sciences for the illusion of their threats. Instead, it is the developments and discoveries of new knowledge that help solve the old problems, for example the development of new energy replacing the old fossil fuels, even though these developments are laborious and take a long time to realize their values.

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