The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.
In the fast developing world the competition is continuously increasing among individuals, groups, companies, leaders, etc. With increase in this competition the progress of a individual, group or a company or leader is increasing. Thus, the above statement may prove to be correct at first intent but it is specious, many times the solution of the problem is not the competition, but the cooperation among them is the solution and hence, it is very much necessary for the society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them the sense of cooperation, not the competition.
In this world of high advanced technology, with increase in the technological advancement many problems which were not before are now prevailing and hence it is very much necessary for an individual to cooperate with each other to take necessary steps for the solution of the problem.
The youngsters are the most important part of a society, because they are the one who will run the society forward and thus, it is very much necessary to impart in them the importance of the cooperation. The cooperation is always beneficial against competition in any field.
For leadership in the government it is very much necessary for a leader to have the cooperation with the native citizens. With the necessary coordination among people and understanding there problems and situations, it helps a good leader to take steps which helps the society and hence he/she can become a good leader.
In economical field it is very important for a employee or a manager to have a cooperation skill. Whatsoever be the organization? May be big or small. It s very much necessary for them to work in coordinance with there peers and subordinates for the goal of their organization.
As we all know that " A coin has two sides." Each and every thing has its advantages and shortcomings. Sometimes it is very important for a person to be competitive in its approach to achieve its goal. A competition impart a natural desire for a person to achieve its goal and hence, it helps in fulfilling the goals may be of an individual, for an organization or for a government in the benefit of the nation's citizen.
Summing up all the above points, I prefer that cooperation has more significant importance then the competition and hence, it is very much necessary to impart leadership skills in the youngsters for the leadership in government, industry, or other fields.
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Grammar and spelling errors:
Line 1, column 175, Rule ID: EN_A_VS_AN
Message: Use 'an' instead of 'a' if the following word starts with a vowel sound, e.g. 'an article', 'an hour'
Suggestion: an
...ase in this competition the progress of a individual, group or a company or leade...
Line 7, column 154, Rule ID: WHITESPACE_RULE
Message: Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace
...itizens. With the necessary coordination among people and understanding there pro...
Line 9, column 46, Rule ID: EN_A_VS_AN
Message: Use 'an' instead of 'a' if the following word starts with a vowel sound, e.g. 'an article', 'an hour'
Suggestion: an
...onomical field it is very important for a employee or a manager to have a coopera...
Line 11, column 124, Rule ID: WHITESPACE_RULE
Message: Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace
... advantages and shortcomings. Sometimes it is very important for a person to be ...
Line 11, column 229, Rule ID: MASS_AGREEMENT[2]
Message: Possible agreement error - use third-person verb forms for singular and mass nouns: 'imparts'.
Suggestion: imparts
...oach to achieve its goal. A competition impart a natural desire for a person to achiev...
Line 11, column 319, Rule ID: WHITESPACE_RULE
Message: Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace
...s goal and hence, it helps in fulfilling the goals may be of an individual, for a...
Line 11, column 418, Rule ID: POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE[2]
Message: Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'nations'' or 'nation's'?
Suggestion: nations'; nation's
... for a government in the benefit of the nations citizen. Summing up all the above po...
Line 13, column 92, Rule ID: LESS_MORE_THEN[1]
Message: Did you mean 'than'?
Suggestion: than
...eration has more significant importance then the competition and hence, it is very m...
Discourse Markers used:
['but', 'first', 'hence', 'if', 'may', 'so', 'still', 'then', 'thus']
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance in Part of Speech:
Nouns: 0.24295010846 0.240241500013 101% => OK
Verbs: 0.119305856833 0.157235817809 76% => OK
Adjectives: 0.0954446854664 0.0880659088768 108% => OK
Adverbs: 0.0455531453362 0.0497285424764 92% => OK
Pronouns: 0.0520607375271 0.0444667217837 117% => OK
Prepositions: 0.12147505423 0.12292977631 99% => OK
Participles: 0.0151843817787 0.0406280797675 37% => Some participles wanted.
Conjunctions: 3.11823728543 2.79330140395 112% => OK
Infinitives: 0.0281995661605 0.030933414821 91% => OK
Particles: 0.00216919739696 0.0016655270985 130% => OK
Determiners: 0.132321041215 0.0997080785238 133% => OK
Modal_auxiliary: 0.00867678958785 0.0249443105267 35% => OK
WH_determiners: 0.00867678958785 0.0148568991511 58% => OK
Vocabulary words and sentences:
No of characters: 2505.0 2732.02544248 92% => OK
No of words: 418.0 452.878318584 92% => OK
Chars per words: 5.99282296651 6.0361032391 99% => OK
Fourth root words length: 4.52162009685 4.58838876751 99% => OK
words length more than 5 chars: 0.33014354067 0.366273622748 90% => OK
words length more than 6 chars: 0.265550239234 0.280924506359 95% => OK
words length more than 7 chars: 0.215311004785 0.200843997647 107% => OK
words length more than 8 chars: 0.179425837321 0.132149295362 136% => OK
Word Length SD: 3.11823728543 2.79330140395 112% => OK
Unique words: 179.0 219.290929204 82% => More unique words wanted.
Unique words percentage: 0.428229665072 0.48968727796 87% => More unique words wanted or less content wanted.
Word variations: 45.9031965779 55.4138127331 83% => OK
How many sentences: 16.0 20.6194690265 78% => OK
Sentence length: 26.125 23.380412469 112% => OK
Sentence length SD: 97.2700613948 59.4972553346 163% => OK
Chars per sentence: 156.5625 141.124799967 111% => OK
Words per sentence: 26.125 23.380412469 112% => OK
Discourse Markers: 0.5625 0.674092028746 83% => OK
Paragraphs: 7.0 4.94800884956 141% => OK
Language errors: 8.0 5.21349557522 153% => OK
Readability: 52.6800239234 51.4728631049 102% => OK
Elegance: 1.75 1.64882698954 106% => OK
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.515998601088 0.391690518653 132% => OK
Sentence sentence coherence: 0.161346379329 0.123202303941 131% => OK
Sentence sentence coherence SD: 0.115795646497 0.077325440228 150% => OK
Sentence paragraph coherence: 0.661084375173 0.547984918172 121% => OK
Sentence paragraph coherence SD: 0.220383457676 0.149214159877 148% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.218215861534 0.161403998019 135% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.134768860516 0.0892212321368 151% => OK
Paragraph paragraph coherence: 0.387880345803 0.385218514788 101% => OK
Paragraph paragraph coherence SD: 0.0456539394036 0.0692045440612 66% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.319083536648 0.275328986314 116% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0989843768753 0.0653680567796 151% => OK
Task Achievement:
Sentences with positive sentiment : 11.0 10.4325221239 105% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 0.0 5.30420353982 0% => More negative sentences wanted.
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 5.0 4.88274336283 102% => OK
Positive topic words: 10.0 7.22455752212 138% => OK
Negative topic words: 0.0 3.66592920354 0% => More negative topic words wanted.
Neutral topic words: 3.0 2.70907079646 111% => OK
Total topic words: 13.0 13.5995575221 96% => OK
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Rates: 50.0 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 3.0 Out of 6
Note: This is not the final score. The e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.