The map below is of the town of Garlsdon A new supermarket S is planned for the town The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The map gives the information about two possible locations for supermarket which are going to be positioned in a particular town.

overall, the first location is away from the town centre and out of the crowd, mainly close to countryside area. which would benefit to Hindon more, whereas S2 is quite favourable for people of housing areas and other closely regions.

It is quite apparant that the first location S1 is located in the countryside area where Hindon area is just close to it, and having 10000 people.The access to this location could be by railway, which comes through crandson area intercepting almost town centre and reaches to Hindon, and road which is connected to the S2.Actually, the s1 location is far away from crandson and Brandson which have more expansion in terms of population.

Turning to the remaining details, the second location is positioned in the main town centre where all people, mainly of crandson and brandson having 29000 and 15000 people respectively,would have ease to access.Surroundings to this, a big industrial area is developed and there are two housing areas, first to the far north side and other to the south side close to s2, maintained well.

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