Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences Others however believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime Discuss both views and give your opinion

Crime has been increasing over the past few years. Due to which, some people believe that longer prison sentences are the ultimate solution in order to reduce crime rate, whereas some believe that there are alternative solution to this problem. This eassy will argue the both point of views.

With regards to longer prison time, people believe that by punishing criminals for extended period will increase the chances of rehabilitation. Moveover, they will become more civilized member of the society. For instance, people who spend more time in prison will value the importance of freedom and will prevent themselves from commiting crimes in future. Overall, crime rate will drop.

Contrary to that, some people are against this assertion. They believe that instead of increasing time span, it is more important to educate criminals and teach them skills. So that, they will be able to find legal sources of income. For example, a recent studies shows that by providing technical education in prisons, crime rate has dropped to a significant level in Japan. Therefore, it is vital important to provide necessary education and skills instead of keeping them inside a restricted area.

To recapitulate, this eassy discussed the both views for reducing crime rate. In my opinion, it is completely imperative to educate criminals instead of keeping them in jails for longer period.

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