Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences Others however believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime Discuss both views and give your opinion

With the society evolved rapidly, the update of law enforcement is put in a spotlight of debate. There is a opinion that extending the prison sentences can cut the growth of crime while there is other resolutions are being considered. I agree that prolonging the jail punishment can help with decreasing the number of law-violating cases, however, I also believe that there is other alternative methods can help with this problem.

There is a few aspects that longer jail sentence can help with reducing the rate of law offending. Firstly, longer prison period is considered as stricter punishment, it can raise the awareness of law violaters before commiting any crime. Secondly, with the jail-locked time extended, the porpotion of crime re-commiters kept in the prison for longer. As a result, a massive amount of potential crime caused by them can be controlled. Lastly, the longer that law violators undergoing rehab education of the prison, the better they recognize how extreme the negative effect which created originally by their behaviors can be to the society.

In many cases, other alternative solution can be considered as better choice than prolonging the crime sentence. In a law education aspect, with prisoners who had their rehab lessions inspired them to be better people, longer punishment time is no longer needed since there is no room for improvement. Furthermore, this can create unwanted pressure to gorvenment resource since money is needed to maintain prison facilities for them such as cells and daily meals. Considering social improvement, some violators can be educated just by having them doing rehab activities which contribute to society such as cleaning out the streets or participating in chairty programs.

In conclusion, I agreed that extending prisoner punishment can be a beneficial upgrade to law enforcement. However, I also believe that there are better alternative solutions which can be applied in spercific cases.

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