The bar chart below shows the percentage of government spending on roads and transport in 4 countries in the years 1990 1995 2000 and 2005

The given chart compares the proportion of government spending on transportation between Italia, Portugal, the UK and the USA from 1990 to 2005.
Overall, Portugal's expenditures figures on road and transports were the highest, whereas the Uk is the lowest spender.
In 1990, Portugal allocated more than 25% of total government fund in investing transport system. The secondest spender is Italia with 5% for figures lower then Portugal, about 22%. The UK and the USA's expenditure were significant lower with 10% and 11% respectively.
Regarding the changes over years, the figures for Portugal steadily decrease over 15 years, at 20% in 2005. The corressponding figure of Italia and the UK demonstrated the downward trend, at about 19% and 8% respectively at the end of period. By constract, the proportion of the USA's expendiures rose to 15% in 2005, despite a minimal decline in 1995

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