The bar chart below shows the percentage of students who passed their high school competency exams by subject and gender during the period 2010 2011 includes French German and Spanish

The bar chart delineates percentage of scholar's who passed out their high school competency exam, by subject and
gender, in the year 2010-2011 along with some foreign languages like, French, German and Spanish.
Overall, it is explicitly observed that boys and girls both are on the peak around 56% and 42.1% in the computer science whereas, underlying in history both shows constant value almost a quarter as well as girls are not doing well.
Now, turning back to details, in the physics both gender are almost constant with over one third while a minimal downfall was remarked in the both boys with 14.1% and girls with 30.2%. Moreover, there had been a consistency accounted in mathematics and foreign language nearly a half in both gender. However, in the geography there is a sharp rise manifested in boys comparison to girls with 30.4% and a reduction in girls around 20%.

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