The chart shows the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed when they took their driving test between 1980 and 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant You should s

The column given chart illustrates the proportion of driving tests passed by males and females in one Asian country from 1980 to 2010.
Overall, women were prone to overcome the test more than men throughout the period. Moreover, this Asian nation reported the highest test pass rates in the year 2000.
At the first glance, in 1980, starting at about 48 per cent, the women test pass rates gradually increased to more than 52% in 1990. In the next ten years, the figures continued rising until peaked at nearly about 68%. By contrast, in 2010, the rates dropped to merely 65%.
In terms of the men driving test passed, the rates commenced at about 28 per cent which was nearly a half lower than women rates. Next, the figure continued surging up to 37% in 1990 and reached its peak of about 50%, twenty per cent lower compared to women proportion. In the next ten years, the rate remained stable.

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