IELTS 10 Test 3 Writing task 1 The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full time work did after leaving college in 2008 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison

The Bar chart demonstrates the two distinct groups of the UK's education system- Graduates and Postgraduates who didn't go to permanent jobs after leaving college in 2008.

From the two charts, we can see a lot of people will go for further study after completing their formal education and a significant number of portions remain as unemployed and a remarkable number of students will go for a temporary job.

More than 50% of students will go for additional study in the graduate's bar chart. Part-time jobs in this category are 17,735, and between jobs are slightly higher than 15,000.

For the postgraduate chart, the number of people who will go for additional study is below 50% whereas temporary work is slightly higher than 2500 looking for jobs candidate is slightly higher than 1500.

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