The tables give information about the temperatures and hours of daylight in London and Sydney during the same weekend in December 2018 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The two tables illustrate how temperatures and hours of daylight vary differently during the similar weekend in December 2018 of the two countries.
Overall, the temperatures in Sydney are higher than that of London during the whole weekend, and the daylight hours of this capital are also greater than London of the UK.
It can be seen from the chart that there are not so much changes in temperatures of both capitals, with London fluctuating from 3 to 13 degree Celsius and Sydney changing between 17 and 31 degree Celsius.
On the contrary, the number of daylight hours in Sydney, Australia tend to be longer than that of London, UK, followed by the sunrise time at approximately a quarter to six and end at nearly eight pm. While in the UK, the sun starts to rise at about eight o'clock in the morning and then sets at about four in the evening.

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