You recently spent a vacation at the home of some friends who live in a different city Write a letter to your friends In your letter thank your friends for letting you stay with them describe some things you enjoyed about your vacation invite your friends

Dear friends,
How are you all? Although, I am back to my place physically, but mentally I am still there with you. This was the best vacation indeed.

First of all, I want to thank you for being such an entertaining hosts and letting me share your apartment. You guys have maintained the flat so gracefully, that the glimps of your habitat are still afresh in my thoughts.

The best thing about this holiday is, learning to play piano from Joy. Also, the picturesque sites we visited are adding to the grace of my phone's gallery. Aroma of the freshly baked buiscuits of "The Unique Bakery" is unforgettable.

I would be honoured, if you people come over some time. I owe you a lot, so, make a plan as early as possible to re-live all the fun.

Waiting for your visit.

Your friend,

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