Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate school Others however believe that girls and boys benefit more from attending mixed schools Discuss both views and give your own opinion

It is undeniable that education plays a crucial role in everyone's life which promotes mental ability and sensibility. There are conflicting views about whether there should be co-education or not. In my opinion, the benefits of studying in a school irrespective of the gender is more fruitful.

To commence with, the primary advantage of co-education is that it builds an incredible amount of confidence. This is because students get the environment where they can portray their ideas and thoughts without hesitation, however, this is not the case with students who attend separate classes. For instance, female students who study from girls school or college tend to have less confidence in comparison to those from co-ed institutes. Additionally, children studying in co-educational frames automatically cultivates a sense of equality, which is indeed the need of today's time. If they study with opposite sex, they learn to be natural, respectful and spontaneous with each other.

Conversely, separate schools according to genders are valuable due to several reasons. Firstly, boys and girls learning together increases the chances of distraction as teen is the crucial phase where they can easily be diverted from the goals. This not only results in poor academic performance, but has adverse impact on their career as well in later years. For example, teenagers easily tend to develop personal feelings resulting negligence towards studies. However, segeragated schools reduces this risk. Furthermore, schools with single sex provide more relaxed environment for girls and boys who can be themselves as they do not have social pressure, such as impressing the opposite sex. They can freely express and speak theur mind in front of the class without having the feeling of shyness.

To conclude, both the education systems have their own pros and cons, however, i believe, co-education is more important as it builds confidence,equality and mutual respect and all of these factors are neccessary to maintain a healthy environment.

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