The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981 1991 and 2001

The rendered pie chart illustrates a vivid picture of different kinds of spending habits in percentage in a school during the span of three decades, 1981, 1991, and 2001.
A cursory glance at the given chart is adequate enough to see that Teacher’s salary was the highest amongst the rest, which is 45% while insurance contributed the least throughout the span.
Moving further in 1981 we can observe that the majority of the spending was observed on teacher’s salary [40%], a slight increase was seen in the year 1991, which followed by a slight decrease in the year 2001, secondly, a slight fluctuation can be seen in the salaries of other workers which comprised of 28% in the year 1981 22% in 1991 and 23 % in 2001 respectively. Furthermore, spending on furniture decreased dramatically from 1891 to 1991 nevertheless it went up again in the year 2001.
Moreover, fluctuation can be seen spending on resources and books, initially, a slight rise was observed followed by a steep fall which comprised of 15%, 20% and 9% in the year 1891, 1991, 2001 respectively, lastly, school spending was negligible on insurance initially but increased progressively overtime was almost similar in the year of 1981, 1991 which was 2% and 3% respectively but a jump of 5% can be seen in the year 2001

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